MLS (Stores) Chairman Election letter, October 3, 2013

Dear Material Logistic Specialists (Stores) Members:

An error occurred in the recent ballot election for Chairman of Material Logistic Specialists (Stores)/ Third Vice President. The return envelope did not have information in the top left-hand corner that would allow the Election Board to verify eligibility of the voter returning the ballot. Because we are accountable to the Department of Labor, the return envelope must have this information. We apologize for this error and have contracted with TrueBallot to conduct this new election.

The previous ballots were picked up at the Election Post Office Box, banded together and saved according to United States Department of Labor Rules and Regulations.

New ballots will be sent out on October 17, 2013 and must be received at the Election Board’s Post Office Box no later than 8:30 am on November 4, 2013. Ballots will be counted at the Union Hall, 11929 East Pine St, Tulsa, OK on November 4, 2013 by TrueBallot.

If you have not received your ballot by October 22, 2013, please contact TrueBallot at 1-888-854-3190 and they will send you a replacement ballot. Requests must be made no later than October 30, 2013.

DO NOT bring your ballot to the TWU Union Hall or Administration Building.

DO NOT slip it under the front door, or put it in our mail box. It must be processed through the United States Postal System or it cannot and will not be counted.

If you have any questions concerning this election, please contact John Richards at 918 271-5035 or Kendal Anderson at 918 638-9303.

In solidarity,

John Richards, Chairman

TWU, Local 514 Election Board

New Stores Election Ltr to Members- Oct.3, 2013 in PDF