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Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
Flex Pay Rates Letter from ATD Division Director Mike Mayes
The passing of Brother Greg “Catfish” Partridge
Time to Update your Shirt Size
This Week’s JCBA Negotiations Updates – 10-28-2016
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Tulsa Oilers Fall 2016 Home Schedule
We have a very limited number of tickets for each game. Tickets will be distributed on a first come first served basis. Members are limited to four (4) tickets for each game. Tickets will be available at the Union Hall Office from 7:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. The tickets are good for…
Safety Action Form on Jetnet
In an effort to better protect the membership, the TWU Local 514 Executive Board, feel it is necessary and beneficial to use the tool implemented years ago by the Base Safety Committee. The Base Safety Committee is comprised of both TWU members and management. In Jetnet, an electronic version of the “Safety Action Form”, can be filled out and submitted for any…