
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Community Care of Oklahoma Plan and Cost

Your Monthly Contributions AA Plans Full Time Employee Only Employee + Spouse Employee + Child(ren) Family Community Care of Oklahoma $95.20 $244.96 $170.07 $329-19   Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What it Costs. This is only a summary. If you want more detail about your coverage and costs, you can…

Protect yourself and your family this flu season

With flu season just around the corner, we encourage all of our employees and their family members to take preventative measures to protect their health, including getting an influenza vaccination at one of the many sites that offer one. And, we’re making it easier on you. American Airlines Medical is once again offering all employees,…

A Promise to BE PINK 

When most people hear the word “cancer,” they fear the worst. That’s how I felt when my wife Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 and our lives were changed forever. During that difficult time, I became very involved in our local Tulsa Susan G. Komen chapter and was glad to know that this…

Wage Works Overpayment

We wanted to let you know that Wage Works identified an overpayment situation.  They have identified 297 employees who received overpayments.  The overpayments occurred due to errors on Spectera’s claim file. Below  is a letter that will be sent to employee impacted this week:   Dear (First Name), You are receiving this letter because you…

2015 Benefits Selection

Terry Buck, TWU514’s Benefits Chairman, has been at numerous events designed to help us understand our options in relation to our 2015 Benefits package. Terry recommends that all members visit with a counselor this year in order for you to make the best decision for your personal needs. There are numerous changes that you MUST REVIEW.…


Federal District Court Judge Vince Chhabria has issued his decision on the TWU motion to dismiss the complaint in the Equity Distribution lawsuit and on its motion for summary judgment in the case. The motion for summary judgment argued that plaintiff early-outs and stand-insteads had failed to exhaust their internal union remedies prior to filing…