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Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
Updated M&R/Stores Bankruptcy Q&A
Just the Facts..
Last week an advertisement was posted in the Tulsa world urging Tulsa 514 members to vote against the tentative agreement which is before us now. The persons paying for this ad declined to identify themselves. The reasons for this are obvious — the ad is very misleading and parts are completely untrue, and it was…
Letter from Don Videtich, International Rep. Addressing the Local 565 President
Re: G. Peterson Letter to Members Regarding July 10, 2012 TA Dear Brother Peterson: I read your letter dated July 19, 2012 to the Local 565 membership and have found many inaccuracies and misleading statements. I understand and also feel the frustration associated with the entire bankruptcy process. It is a process designed to facilitate…
Tentative Agreement Myths
The Bankruptcy Judge can modify the Company’s “Ask” — which is the final proposal the Company made to the Union back in March before the hearings on its Section 1113 motion to reject our contract began – to make it fairer to the union. This is not accurate. The judge has one decision to…
Update Your Address
If you have not received a ballot this week there could be a reason. If your address is not correct with your local Union office, you need to make sure you call the Local 514 Union Hall on Pine Street and have your information corrected. The number to Local Union Hall is 918 437- 4300.…
AA Bankruptcy Update – Sharon Levine Addressing the Facts, 7-30-2012
TWU Bankruptcy Attorney, Sharon Levine, addresses the facts of the AMR bankruptcy and its impact on workers. Watch this video. [youtube_video id=”LBDHbMdxtxk”]