
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

What’s Next?

AS TO THOSE UNITS THAT VOTED YES TO ACCEPT THE LAST OFFER: Q. When does the offer actually go into effect? A. First, the court has to ultimately approve the five agreements. This is certainly expected to happen, but there is no time set for this to occur. Second, TWU and AA have an understanding…

Jason Whitley’s Tweets from the Bankruptcy Court, 5-15-2012

12:40a UPDATE: The 5 TWU groups that accepted AA’s final offer still lose 2,900 jobs. Would have been worse. AA’s “final offer” offer saved 1,300. 12:30a A NEW DEAL? AA tells me it will still try reach “consensual agreements” with two TWU groups that rejected its “final offer.” Talks continue. 11:15a Lawrence Rosselot testifying now…

AMR – Court Update 5/15/2012

The Court considered the motion (the “Motion”) of the Ad Hoc Committee of Passenger Service Agents to Restrain the Debtors from Making Unilateral Changes in the Terms and Condition of Employment of the PSAs. The passenger service agents are currently not represented by a union, but the Communication Workers of America (the “CWA”) have filed…


FORT WORTH, Texas Bruce Hicks, American Airlines spokesperson, issued the following statement: “American Airlines is pleased to announce ratified agreements with five workgroups represented by the Transport Workers Union (TWU), including Fleet Service, Dispatch, Maintenance Control Technicians, Simulator Technicians, and Ground School and Simulator Pilot Instructors. These consensual agreements preserve approximately 1,300 jobs, and provide…

Last Best Offer Vote Results: 5-15-2012

Five Out of Seven TWU Bargaining Units Vote to Accept American Airlines’ Last Offer TWU’s Lawyers Continue to Argue on Behalf of All Members in NYC Bankruptcy Court Today While Union Leadership Promotes Merger with US Airways as Best Option for American Airlines, its Customers, and Employees NEW YORK– Election results were released this morning…