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Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
Local 514’s Digest for the week of September 22, 2023
Swearing in Executive Board Member Daron Morgan
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Local 514’s Digest for the week of September 15, 2023
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Negotiation Committee Team members Named
THE TWU-IAM ASSOCIATION NAMES THE M&R, MCT, MLS, AND MTS NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR UPCOMING NEGOTIATIONS WITH AMERICAN AIRLINES Dear Brothers and Sisters,Union leadership from the TWU and the IAMAW have communicated with the respective TWU Local Presidents, in consultation with their respective Executive Boards wherever required, and IAM District Lodge 142. With their recommendations…
Local 514’s Digest for the week of September 8, 2023
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