
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

AMR Data Compromised

Important Security and Protection Notification. Please read this entire letter. (link below) Q&A Link AMR Data Compromise – PDF This just in, I do not know all the details, Looks like it will pertain to employees from a time period beginning in 1960 to 1995. Please see the attached document. Al Ball

RE: M/R and Stores Printed Agreements

June 30,2010 TO: AA Local Presidents RE: M/R and Stores Printed Agreements Brothers: The purpose of this letter is to provide an update on the print job of the two agreements. On Tuesday, July 6,2010, the PDF versions of the agreements will be e-mailed to the Presidents and Negotiating team. The PDF will also be…

Mr. Mayor

Wow what an accomplishment, for a union brother who started his aviation career with TWA in 1979 in New York as a Fleet Service Clerk. The Brother’s name is Tom Daly, and is a member of TWU Local 514, in San Antonio, Texas.

A Former Member’s Widow Needs our Help

Ms Bookout, widow of Jeff Bookout, ask assistance in giving Jeff’s toolbox a new home. Ms Bookout gave her permission and requested that TWU Local 514 hold a drawing for Jeff’s toolbox. Tickets will be available from Shop Stewards following Stewards meeting on July 12 at a price of $1.00 per ticket or six tickets…

Veterans Committee

The Veterans Committee will be handing out shirts to the Claremore Veterans Hospital patients on July 4th at 11:00 am. Volunteers are appreciated. For any questions, contact Jenni Proctor-Timms at 437-4300. Thank you!