Single Carrier Status: Now What for TWU Members

TWU-Logo-goldThe issuance of the NMB single carrier decision for the American Airline crafts and classes of Mechanic and Related, Fleet Service and Stores is a land mark in the history of TWU representation of its airline members. It opens the way to members to continue to enjoy vigorous TWU representation at American Airlines, both through the several joint associations established by TWU and IAM to represent the classes or crafts at the merged single carrier, and through the continued efforts of both TWU and its AA locals to deal with American Airlines management at the local level and with regard to problems particular to the formerly AA side of the merged single carrier.

The first steps that follow the single carrier determination will be elections, at each of the three classes or crafts, that will determine the certification of the TWU/IAM Association for each class or craft. The Association will be certified when it receives a majority of the votes cast. It is important that TWU officers and activists work hard to get as large a vote as possible, even if there is no competing organization; a large vote will be to the advantage of our members in later dealings with the airline.

TWU has anticipated this decision for some time. Preemptively, we conducted a week-long negotiations training class for our US Airways and American Airlines Presidents. In depth discussions on strategy, committees and economics dominated the week. Additionally, an ATD Presidents meeting has been scheduled for early June. During the conference there will be an in depth historical analysis of the airline industry as it relates to management teams, economics, contract negotiations and various other issues will be presented.

Even as the matter proceeds to a vote, TWU will be working with its locals and members to prepare for the process of working out with the IAM the demands that the Association will make in negotiating with the airline, following certification. TWU will be 100% prepared to fight for and deliver a contract that recognizes the concessions that our members have endured over the years. It is important that this work go on as quickly as is consistent with doing the best job possible for members.

In its decision, the NMB addressed a number of class or craft issues that reflect pre-merger representational differences between American Airlines and US Airways. To mention only one of these issues, the NMB determined that Simulator Technicians would continue to be included in the class or craft of Mechanic and Related at the single carrier, as they were at pre-merger AA, rather than being considered a separate class or craft, as at pre-merger US Airways. Anyone who has a question regarding the status of any group of employees may either consult the detailed NMB decision, or their local officers.