Tag: Bankruptcy

Special Jetwire: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27 2012

A Message from Denise Lynn, Senior Vice President – People Dear American Team, After additional discussions and clarification on a few sections of our June 20 proposal, the APA Board of Directors has agreed to share it with our pilots. This is incredibly welcome news. The agreement is the product of hard work by company…

ATD – AA Bankruptcy Update, June 22, 2012

The TWU International held a conference call this afternoon to update all AA Local presidents on fast moving events surrounding negotiations between American and the Allied Pilots Association. The company has made some movement toward the pilot group and reduced some of their “ask”. These fluid developments trigger the “me too” clause for the five…

Bankruptcy Update – June 22, 2012

Yesterday Judge Sean Lane indicated he was postponing his ruling for at least a week pending the APA’s decision on whether to submit the Company’s Last Best Offer to its membership. To date we have not received any requests from the Company to meet with either Maintenance and Related or Stores. When we did reach…

Special Bankruptcy Update – Judge Delays Contract Decision

American Airlines…. Today Judge Sean Lane indicated he was postponing his decision on whether to reject the contracts of all three unions for at least a week pending the APA’s decision on whether to submit the Company’s LBO to its membership. In the interim there will be no changes in rates of pay, rules and…

Special Jetwire, June 21, 2012

    Special Jetwire THURSDAY. JUNE 21 2012 A Message from Denise Lynn, Senior Vice President – People Dear American Team,   We today received word that Judge Sean Lane will delay ruling on American’s Section 1113 motion for all union groups for one week, until Friday, June 29.  Earlier today, in an effort to…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 17, 2012

As was stated in the Bankruptcy update posted earlier in the week, we engaged in negotiations with the company with respect to the Mechanic and Related and Stores agreements on June 11 and 12th in New York. These discussions were mediated by federal Judge Peck who requested that the substance of the negotiations be maintained…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 12, 2012

The second scheduled day of mediated negotiations with M&R and Stores took place today in New York. These talks are being held under the guidance of a federal judge who has ordered that session proceedings be confidential. The TWU had two days scheduled for mediation this week. Starting tomorrow the pilots go into mediation with…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 11, 2012

This morning,(June 11, 2012) TWU Negotiators and International Representatives representing Maintenance and Related and Stores members, met in New York City for mediated sessions with the company. Judge James Peck, another bankruptcy judge, was asked to oversee these voluntary negotiations by presiding bankruptcy Judge Sean H. Lane. Judge Peck ordered the mediated talks to be…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 8, 2012

On Monday, June 4, 2012 TWU negotiators for each of the four Eagle groups and their advisors resumed negotiations at Flagship University. There was good progress with the company this week, as the negotiators continued to work towards consensual deals that will preserve essential terms of the current contracts. The Fleet and AMT groups have…

What’s Next?

AS TO THOSE UNITS THAT VOTED YES TO ACCEPT THE LAST OFFER: Q. When does the offer actually go into effect? A. First, the court has to ultimately approve the five agreements. This is certainly expected to happen, but there is no time set for this to occur. Second, TWU and AA have an understanding…