Tag: HB1593

Veto HB 1593!

HB 1593 PASSES THE SENATE CALL THE GOVERNOR HB 1593 passed Tuesday, April 19th on the Senate Floor. The bill cannot go to the governor’s desk until this Friday evening for her signature. Please call Governor Fallin’s office At (405) 521-2342 And ask her to VETO HB 1593 POSTING-PDF

URGENT! HB 1593 Update

HB 1593, that would strip collective bargaining from Oklahoma Public Employees is still on the Senate agenda to be heard, but as of today it still has not been heard. It could get a hearing tomorrow, next week or anytime in between. If they do not hear it by the close of session on April…

Many Phone Calls about HB1593 and TWU Alert.

But the fact is it has not been voted on yet and remains on the agenda for Monday 4-11-2011 Here is a Link to the Senate Agenda. Please keep calling your Senator and tell him/her to vote against HB 1593. http://www.oksenate.gov/schedule/agenda.html

Local 514 News Alert

HB 1593 The war on the middle class and working families is about political payback. They want to restrict workers’ rights to collective bargaining for a middle class life by cutting wages and benefits. Oklahoma legislators wants to take away collective bargaining for city workers – those workers who make sure you have water, plow…