The work of TWU local 514

the-work-of-514Every day we get questions from members about what the elected leaders of our local are doing to secure a contract, resolve a grievance, or help one of our members or retirees with a problem. Our elected union officials and hired staff support the membership in so many different ways that I thought it would be worthwhile to give you an overview of the current work of our local union.

First, let me start by saying that our local is a member of the Transport Workers Union, which is dedicated to bettering the lives of working families. The Transport Workers Union works to safeguard, protect and improve working conditions and living standards of all workers and demands respect, dignity and equality for all. This is a worthy mission that all of us share with the TWU International.

To accomplish those objectives we have to have people working hard on your behalf every day. Take a look at the picture here. Your elected and appointed members and hired staff are working on 7 vitally important functions to achieve our local’s goals.

The Contract

First and foremost, our job as a local is to secure and enforce the collective bargaining agreement. Securing a contract (negotiations), enforcing the contract (grievances) and ensuring long term employment will always be our main objectives.


The brothers and sisters of local 514 have a dual responsibility for Safety. One is to ensure that all of our members are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of our members and employees of the company. Another safety responsibility comes with our profession – to do everything in our power to ensure the safety of the flying public. So, we have people working to maintain safety through 514’s safety committee, our ASAP program and the self audit teams. Our newest addition is the use of professional standards to assure every stone is turned over that could possibly shed light on a potential safety issue.


Our work here starts with securing health and retirement benefits in negotiations. Between negotiations, we have elected officials who advise our members and retirees on how to obtain all the benefits available to them. Among our union representatives are experts in the areas of worker’s compensation, long term disability, Family Medical Leave Act, Permanent Restrictions Placement Committee, and retirement issues.


We don’t live in a bubble. Laws and regulations at all levels of government can affect our local’s members in positive and negative ways. That’s why we work to educate and have a positive influence on the thinking of those government officials who make decisions that can affect our members’ livelihoods and wellbeing. We support political campaigns of politicians who are sympathetic to our causes. We also lobby our local, state, and federal officials to pass laws and regulations that support unions, unionization, and United Statesbased aircraft maintenance and repair. Our work in the political arena assists us in ensuring the long term viability of the base. For instance, the Tulsa base has benefited from Vision 2025 and the construction of the Rubb Hangar.

Run the Business of the Local

We have to run a responsible, financially strong local so our members can achieve their goals. This means we have to manage the collection of members’ dues and spend those dues in responsible ways that ensure our members’ and local’s future. And a successful union runs its business predictably (according to their Bylaws) and transparently (communicating regularly with its members).


The bottom line is that all of the work being done in this local is driven by union members for union members. Our strength as a local union depends on those people we elect, the members who volunteer their time, and the people we hire. I’ve listed below, the names of our officials, volunteers, and staff members who are supporting us all in each of the 7 areas of our work. I want to recognize and thank them for their ongoing efforts and to encourage all members to get involved and stay involved in our union. In the next few editions of The Informer, we will share more about each of the seven areas in which your Local is working and leading on your behalf.

Local 514 Members and Staff working on your behalf:


Trade Test: Greg Sewell, Chair, Brent Dickinson, John Hewitt, Dennis Kelsey, Miles Lacy, Mike McNally, Richard Petty

Education: Greg Sewell, Chair, Jerry Collier, Brent Dickinson, Malinda Hamm, John Hewitt, Gwendolyn James Safety Pat Kinnamon, Chair, Allen Russell, CoChair, Mike McCasland, Bryan Spenser, Bryan Golden, James Mark, Terry Kneller, Bill Swain, John Carlisle


Insurance : D’Ann Johnson, Chair, Chris Gibson, CoChair, Rick Wilson, Malinda Hamm, Jerry Yates

LTD: Mary Gorremans, Chair, Terry Lesperance, CoChair, Gwendolyn James, Reggie Sullivan

Retirement: Mary Gorremans, CoChair, Mike “Bear” Messick, CoChair, Jerry Collier, Herb Grose (MEM), Dennis Kelsey, Marcus Lyles (MEM)

Workers Compensation: Kevin Crosser, Chair, D’Ann Johnson, CoChair, James Gardenhire, Mary Gorremans, Herb Grose (MEM), Tom Grossett (SAT), Terry Lesperance, Pete Smith (ELP), Jerry Yates


COPE (Includes NEOLC, Phone Bank Pct Walks, and Sign Shop): Steve Luis, Chair, Dennis Hall, CoChair, Bill Bell, Jim Blouch, Terry Buck, Corine Chillious, Chris Gibson, Elaine Gibson, Herb Grose (MEM), D’Ann Johnson, Beverly Love, Marcus Lyles (MEM), Patric McMCully, Teresa McMillen, Annamarie Pittman, Donna Reed, John Richards, Blane Walters, Rick Wilson

Community Service

Kevin Crosser, Chair, Mike “Bear” Messick, CoChair, Bill Bell, Terry Buck, Jesse Friend, Duane Friesen, Chris Gibson, John Hewitt, Marcus Lyles (MEM), Patric McCully, Troy Sam

Affirmative Action/Human Rights : Tracy Hardin, Chair, Corine Chillious, CoChair, Alicia Oates, CoChair, Teresa Ellis, Elaine Gibson, Louis King, Beverly Love, Tammy

Veterans: Jenni Timms, Chair, Sam Cirri, CoChair, Jimmy Arthur, Miles Lacy, TR Loggains, Johnny Post

Women’s Committee: Malinda Hamm, Chair, Jane Buntthobson, CoChair, Corine Chillious, Elaine Gibson, Mary Gorremans, D’Ann Johnson, Annamarie Pittman, Jenni Timms, Beverly Love

Work Environment RO: G. T. Bunch, Chair, Gary Kelley, CoChair, Jimmy Arthur, Lawrence Bailey, Steven Buchanan, Gwendolyn James, Dennis Kelsey, Miles Lacy, Marcus Lyles (MEM), Wayne Malaer, Steve Panagiotis, Richard Petty, John Richards, Kunal Shinde, Edgar J Thomas

Running Local 514

Building Committee : Mike “Bear” Messick, Chair, Jenni Timms, CoChair, Mike McDonald, G. T. Bunch, Allan Ball, John Gaines, Dennis Hall & John Kuder

Publications: Steve Luis, Chair, Mike McDonald, CoChair, John Carlisle, CoChair, Allan Ball, Jerry Collier, Malinda Hamm, Blane Walters, Mike McNally

Welfare & Entertainment: Kevin Crosser, Chair, Mike “Bear” Messick, CoChair, James Blouch, Terry Buck, Corine Chillious, Kevin Creaser, Chris Gibson, Elaine Gibson, Pat McCully, Teresa McMillen, Annamarie Pittman, John Richards, Troy Sam

“Your union is what We make it. Attend union meetings. Volunteer. Get involved.”