April 20, 2022
9:00 am & 3:15 pm Hangar 3&4 Townhall Room
Wendy Drake – AA Retirement & Pensions
Laura Steljes – AA Benefits
Alex Steel – Fidelity
2022 Retirement-AA Presentation in PDF
Mark Loeber – The Advancement Group
- Which Pension Benefit is best (Single Life, Joint & Survivor and Leveling & Guaranteed Options)
- Converting Sick Time to your RHRA Account (Must be elected 4 months prior to retiring)
- Six Health Insurance Options prior to Medicare at 65
- Understanding Medicare and when to enroll in Part A & B to avoid late enrollment penalties
- Social Security Claiming (Taxation, Spousal Benefits, Working and Receiving Benefits, Widows Benefits)
- Filling-out Your AA Pension Kit: Completing your pension form so benefits are not delayed
- Income Taxes (Federal and State Tax withholding on Pension, Social Security, and Investment Income)
- Dealing with your 401(k): what if I have a loan and what to do with it upon retirement
- Long-term Disability and When to Start my Pension
- Managing my AA Benefits if I become disabled
- Estate Planning (Trusts, Wills, Financial & Healthcare Power of Attorney, Advanced Directive
- Survivor Support Services: what do my beneficiaries do next
Loeber- TWU Local 514 Members April 20, 2022 Presentation PDF