Vacancies with IAM and US Airways Letter from Gary Yingst to the ATD

003-thumbDave Virella
AA System Coordinator

Sean Doyle
AA Maintenance Rep.

RE: Vacancies

Dave and Sean,

Local 514 is requesting that our International approach the IAM and US Air Management regarding any vacancies for Mechanics at their bases or line stations. We would ask that before they hire off the street our laid off TWU Mechanics, Title I and Title II, would be given preferential treatment and be afforded the job first. We understand they would be required to fill out an application and report as a new hire. When the integration of the Contracts are fully completed and the seniority integration is resolved, we would reinstate their former AA/TWU Occupational Seniority. We believe this would benefit both our Mechanics and US Airways operation.

In Solidarity,

Gary Yingst Vice President Local 514

Vacancies-1-30-2014 in PDF