2014 Letter of support for the United Way

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Dear Brothers and Sisters:
One of mankind’s traits is to look after and take care of our brothers and sisters. Be it family, friends, neighbors, or even perfect strangers, we have always answered the call for a helping hand. That belief has been at the core of the labor movement for more than 200 years. We have answered the call in the best of times and in the most difficult of situations.

The United Way has been providing a unique service to all citizens for more than 120 years. In their partnership with local agencies they are able to combine the resources of a few to meet the needs of many.

The Transport Workers Union and Local 514 believe those values and our track record is something to be proud of. Local 514 will continue to support and partner with the United Way to offer this valuable service. I ask you to join me in supporting the United Way during the 2014 campaign drive. Together we will not only make a difference saving lives but also provide a brighter future for all.

In solidarity,
Dale Danker

Letter of Support for United Way 2014