Sick Calls on Holidays


December 11,2009

TO: AA Locals 501-590

RE: Sick Calls on Holidays

Dear Brothers and Sisters:
We are of the opinion that our Members’ valuable service is necessary each and every day of the year, including Holidays. Apparently, the Company believes that one who calls in sick, on a Holiday on more than one occasion, may be developing a “calendar pattern” of illness. The Company’s statistical evaluation is of little interest to us.
We refute that notion and believe our Members utilize their accrued benefit for its intended purpose, including Holiday’s – period!
Management’s suspicion of dastardly intent is pure hyperbole, has no basis in fact, and unless formally presented to a Member as “suspected abuse,” should be disregarded. We will not accept brow beating, innuendo or intimidation.
The various Collective Bargaining Agreements provide the provisions under which the Company can take issue and corresponding response, or options, for the Union. Action taken against a member for “coincidental” absence due to illness on a Holiday should be evaluated for merit and challenged by the respective Local, if warranted.
John M. Conley
International vice president
Director Air Transport Division

Robert Gless
AA System Coordinator
Asst.Director Transport Division

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