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You are required to login to view this page. You must be a member of TWU Local 514.
Dear Tulsa Citizens The Transport Workers Union of America Local 514 (Tulsa workers) in conjunction with the TWU/IAM Association (representing 30k workers nationwide) have been in contract negotiations with American Airlines since Dec 3rd, 2015. It has become clear that what was once thought of as a good idea to merge American Airlines with US…
Dear Brothers and Sisters: As a follow up to Friday’s conference call with TWU American Airlines Presidents, below is a summary of the latest developments, with respect to the TWU Reserve/Equity fund distribution: • First and foremost, the next equity distribution of $35,900,000 is expected to go out for distribution to eligible members in November.…
You are required to login to view this page. You must be a member of TWU Local 514.
You are required to login to view this page. You must be a member of TWU Local 514.
You are required to login to view this page. You must be a member of TWU Local 514.
You are required to login to view this page. You must be a member of TWU Local 514.
You are required to login to view this page. You must be a member of TWU Local 514.
TO: AA Locals 501 – 591 Dear Brothers and Sisters: As a follow up to today’s conference call with TWU American Airlines Presidents, below is a summary of the latest developments, with respect to the TWU Reserve/Equity fund distribution: – First and foremost, I am happy to announce that the TWU International was successful in…