Category: Politics

Candidates that Care about Workers

Are you a FAN of electing candidates who care about workers?  Then we need you to hop on the phones and make calls to your Friends and Neighbors.Its easy! Go to Create an account. Select the race you would like to make calls in. -At the top right, you will see a drop down…

Register to Vote on National Voter Registration Day

Tomorrow, September 23, is National Voter Registration Day. There are a lot of offices up for grabs this year – including 36 U.S. Senators, 435 U.S. Representatives, 36 governors and thousands of seats in state legislatures. Over the next two years, elected officials in Washington, D.C. will vote on the aviation bill, transit legislation, the…

Call Congress and tell them to speak out against phones on planes.

Take action now. Call Congress and tell them to speak out against phones on planes. In January, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed to allow passengers to use cell phones on airplanes.   Allowing passengers to use phones to make calls during flights would create an annoyance that risks disagreements and possibly physical violence. Voice calls…

TWU Files Fed. Comments Opposing Norwegian Air

President Lombardo recently submitted two sets of federal comments in opposition to the Norwegian Air application at US DOT.  Copies are attached. The US Department of Transportation is considering an application for a foreign air carrier permit submitted by Norwegian Air.  This application clearly threatens to undercut labor standards both in the U.S. and in…


Washington, DC –The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), and the Transport Workers Union (TWU) called on the Department of Transportation (DOT) to reject an application for a foreign air carrier permit submitted by Norwegian Air International (NAI). In comments filed yesterday, the unions, representing over 80,000…

TTD Joins ALPA and European Pilots to Counter Latest Norwegian Air Tactics

SOURCE: Multinational corporations are increasingly contracting out what used to be family-wage company jobs to staffing companies to avoid unionization and gain a competitive advantage by paying substandard wages and benefits. The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, the Air Line Pilots Association and other aviation unions are calling attention to an international airline’s scheme to do…

514 – What’s on the plate

TWU COPE Convention The TWU’s push in the first full day of the 2014 Legislative and COPE Conference was to educate and train TWU members to be effective lobbyists on Capitol Hill and back in their home districts. “We are working to build alliances with others with whom we have common goals,” said International President…

DAILY RECAP: 2014 Legislative and COPE Conference – DAY 1

The TWU’s push in the first full day of the 2014 Legislative and COPE Conference was to educate and train TWU members to be effective lobbyists on Capitol Hill and back in their home districts. Members heard from Ed Wytkind, President of the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department, Representative Brad Schneider (D-IL), and Global Trade Watch Executive Director Lori Wallach.…

TWU 514 Sign Shop

We will no longer be taking any new orders for signs. We have several orders in process and will be continuing with them. All that have volunteered to work in the sign shop have done so with the hopes of getting labor recognized within our government. As we have seen here in Oklahoma, the majority of our legislation…