Fitmatters, Work-Fit

FitmattersA voluntary program that provides on-site injury prevention, pain reduction, and health resources to help employees stay active and healthy both at home and at work.

Top 5 reasons to contact Fitmatters:

  1. You have pain while performing tasks at work or at home.
  2. You have a concern or questions about your work station.
  3. You are interested in starting a personal stretching or strengthening program.
  4. You have had an injury in the past and want to prevent recurrence.
  5.  You would like learn more about general health and fitness

Fitmatters Center is located in the TEO building. Entrance is on the east side of the building north down the sidewalk from medical.

Call 918-292-3397

Email Heather at heather.kennedy@aa.comworkfit

or Shannon at



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