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Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
AA Negotiations letter from Sean Doyle
2017 Michael J Quill Scholarship Applications Now Available
Applications are now being accepted for the Michael J. Quill Scholarship Fund. This scholarship will offer fifteen (15) college-bound dependents of TWU members with a scholarship worth $4800.00. This scholarship will be paid out, per year in the amount of $1200.00 to winners who continue to be eligible over their four (4) year course. We…
Letter mailed – Seniority Integration information
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Shop Steward Elections 2017
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January 2017 Membership Meetings: Monday, January 30th & Tuesday, January 31st
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Association Update, January 13, 2017
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